Saturday, October 06, 2007


Today the charming and beautiful Susan and Princess Ali and I went down to Rio Dell to hang out with my buddy Steve. Steve is a guy I've known since middle school. It was a test day for little Ali. Steve lives about twenty-five miles south of Eureka and Ali hasn't ridden that far in a car since July when we traveled back and forth from San Francisco which was a nightmare. Ali hated the July trip, but tolerated our trip this afternoon. And she lasted about four hours before she made it clear that it was time to go home.

By the way, this was the charming and beautiful Susan's biggest road trip since July, too. Since you asked, she traveled well, too.

We have to take Ali about fifteen miles south of here on Monday so she can have some blood drawn. Pray for both the trip down to the hospital and the appointment. This could be a traumatic event.

It's been getting cold here in Northern California. This morning it was 40 degrees and yesterday it was 37. It gets as high as sixty degrees in the afternoon, but after living in Florida for the past decade, my blood's pretty thin.

Ali finds the chilliness exhilarating. When the breeze hits her face, she squeals and smiles big.

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