Sunday, October 28, 2007


They stuck Allie like she was a pin cushion the other day. She got a ton of shots. I felt a little ambushed. I thought she was going in just to have a check-up, but they were waiting there for us with a handful of sharp things to plunge into Allie's little legs. Poor baby.

Poor me. As soon as the needles come out, the charming a beautiful Susan pulls a disappearing act like she was one of David Copperfield's vanishing beauties.

So Allie is a little sore this weekend. She git two shots in each leg in addition to that dreaded poke in the big toe to draw a few drops of blood. Susan got her undressed for a bath yesterday to find cartoon covered band-aids stuck all over the place like Allie was starting some kind of collection.

Poor baby.

Poor me. Did I tell you I was the one that had to be in there comforting her while she got all those shots?

On the serious side, there is a little concern that Allie isn't on track with her weight. She's grown an inch and a half over the past month, but she still only weighs eighteen and three-quarter pounds. She's actually lost a few ounces. She's been teething and that has affected her appetite. But they have a little chart down at the doctor's office, and Allie's little marks on the graph fall a little below the curve for her age and height so the nurses have been giving us little speeches. So we're thinking of creative ways to fatten her up.

I wish I had this problem. I'm looking for creative ways to take the fat off.

Allie has been doing fantastic at physical therapy. I'll try to get some pictures up of her later this week...

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