Saturday, May 29, 2010

New Allie Videos

Since I got the iPhone, I haven’t been carrying around my little digital video camera around. But I need to. I love getting video of Allie and keeping friends and family updated.

In this vid, Allie is excited by the vacuum cleaner. It used to terrify her and I had to take her out for a walk so the Charming and Beautiful Susan could clean our domicile.

In the next video, Oliver thinks he has to protect Allie from something ten times bigger but a tenth as annoying.

1 comment:

Camille Cotè said...

So I guess Susan did not party last night. HAHA! Geez Allie looks much better and oliver seems to be calming down even though i dont think he ever leaves poor Allie alone but that conforts me somehow. I miss you guys! Send my love to Al pal! take care. xoxoxoxoxoxoxo camille