Wednesday, January 09, 2008

techni colored coat

Have you ever seen such a beautiful baby? This little number Allie is sporting is made from 100% Ecuadorean wool. So much color never looked so good until worn by this little lady.

Char the amazing ballerina nurse was over today checking in on Allie. Allie has put on thirteen ounces since two weeks ago. That's like an ounce a day. And she's grown half an inch in the past five weeks. That's like a tenth of an inch a week. It wasn't that long ago that we were pleading with you for your prayers because Allie wasn't putting on any weight.

Well, thanks for praying. And don't quit. We've gotten too accustom to God answering your prayers for us.


Camille Cotè said...

Those colors look amazing! Im sure the sweater will keep her warm, when she wears it its like me giving her a hug :) I wish you guys a Merry Christmas and Happy new Year, tell Ali I love her very much and I miss her like crazy, and I wish I could be more of a help. If there is anything I could do let me know... even though Im pretty useless... Take care!

Bryonm said...


Happy New Year to you, too. You're definitely NOT useless. Your notes to Allie are encouraging. Someday she'll be able to read them here.