Monday, April 21, 2008

Hi, Grandma


Grandma Yolanda is missing me so much. She thinks my Pop-pop is a slacker 'cause he hasn't posted any pictures of me lately.


But Pop-pop has been waiting for just the perfect pictures of me since everything I do is so cute. Pop-pop takes it for granted just how cute I am and probably passes up on some really good pictures that Grandma Yolanda would like.


Sometimes Pop-pop needs to be encouraged to put pictures and to write things about me. Sometimes he needs to be nagged. Sometimes you just need to use a little guilt on him. I just bite him.


I have this new stroller. I now have three strollers but I refuse to ride in anything that cost more than twelve dollars. There are starving kids in Africa. All I need is a simple ride.


If you look closely at this picture you'll notice that I'm sporting shoes now. A kid at the park said something to her momma about me going everywhere in socks and ever since that day, Pop-pop has ben putting these shoes on me. Now my feet are less cold and blue.

ali-6So, if you see my Grandma Yolanda down in Florida, give her a big hug from me.

1 comment:

Tamie said...

She's a very cute and money conscience rider indeed.