Friday, November 16, 2007

Crackin' Up

Whenever I don't blog for a few days, one of you is so kind to email me and hold my feet to the fire. It's funny how a few days of no activity on the internet is like an eternity. While one human year is seven dog years, one dog year is seven internet years. So, one human year is like forty-nine internet years. So not posting for 4 human days is like not posting for 196 internet days.

Get it?

Keep up.

Soooooo... everything is okay. We're really happy. And to prove it, here are some pictures snapped this week...

This is Allie in jeans. She knows she looks cool.

"Food is great!" Allie is finally on board with eating. Sometimes, we have to get creative and energetic. She sometimes needs to be entertained while eating. (see next frame)

Entertaining babies is right down my alley. Kids see me for who I am. Allie gets me. Allie is the most forgiving and understanding person in my and the charming and beautiful Susan's universe.

While I was busy not blogging, I was having a bunch of fun.

1 comment:

art/terrorist said...

that is one really really ridiculously good looking baby....

but i suppose its easy when you have a really really ridiculously good looking bloodline.

just saying...